“Likelihood of Confusion” about Children’s Health: When a Small Difference in Trademarks Can make a Big Difference
February 17, 2017 by: Amy Cahill
If you are a parent, like I am, you are very likely familiar with the American Academy of Pediatrics. Formed in 1930 to address pediatric standards, it has grown to approximately 64,000 pediatricians throughout the United States. The American Academy of Pediatrics publishes position papers, based on scientific research, along with other books and magazines
Read More.. Read More..The following article, “Bourbon and Beer: Barrels of Trademarks Fun,” was written by Amy Cahill and Michelle Browning Coughlin and was posted in the Louisville Bar Association Bar Briefs, December 2016 edition: With headlines like “Bourbon and Whiskey Sales Are Soaring Around the World,” and reports showing 2015 as the “eighth consecutive year of double-digit
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